Hi Melinda, I have been drawn to practising wth 'dowsing rods' and use them for a specific communication. I imagine that the modality is synonymous with pendulums? Thank you 🙏

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Hi Simone, How exciting. Yes, dowsing rods, pendulums, bobbers, y-rods, and all the variations of tools are activated according to your choice of protocols. I like to use the pendulum, dowsing rods, and one precision rod, depending on how I feel and my intention is for the query. Though I have taught all of the tools since 2009. I have my favorites as mentioned above. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to chat more about dowsing. I'm so happy to meet a kindred Spirit.

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Hi Melinda, Clearly, I don’t have your knowledge or expertise, though I use my intuition and I am assuming that my intention is on a much narrower spectrum than what you do and offer. I also use cards; different decks for different intent. 🙏 💜

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